utorak, 28.03.2006.

here we go again

Danas dan ko i svaki drugi, ali sa dozom umora koji donosi konstantno druzenje i izlazenje. Jucer je to bio rodjendan od M, dan prije riziko. Uz prekomjerno konzumiranje svacega osim sna :))
Essential trazi ljubavne savjete od mene, strasno. Zasto ona misli da joj ja mogu pomoci u sadasnjoj vezi ako joj nisam mogao pomoci dok smo brijali? No, dosta je bilo. Uvijek sam padao na tu foru i mislio da to nesto znaci sto se mene pita o necemu vaznom. Bezveze.

Evo ti odgovor mujice

There’s no time to keep it low
I’ve been deaf now I want noise
You stay down
But I wont be quiet
I’ll hammer on until you fight

Loud love
Loud love
Loud love
Loud love

If you’ve got some time to kill
Slow resistance wins the war
Well I know
But that’s no way to go
You can’t resist the louder pull

Well that’s right
I want something to explode
I’ve been deaf
Now I want noise

- 16:09 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

ponedjeljak, 27.03.2006.


oču fotić, pod hitno. nema vremena za cekanje :)
samo sam zbunjen. ne znam da li da uzmem manji i prenosniji ili malo veci i da ga ne mogu stalno imati sa sobom, hmmm??

- 17:06 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 23.03.2006.


Prvo Optima-telekom, sada H1 promoviraju svoju ponudu po trgovačkim lancima. Danas su mene zaustavili i ponudili. Moram prizanti da su dobro obavili posao, stvarno razmisljam preci, sto zbog skidanja monopola T-coma, sto zbog lijepe cure koja mi je odrzala govor u ime H1 ;)
Vidjecemo, sad imam dva dana da proucim njihovu ponudu, a cura je u subotu ujutro u merkatoru i postoji sansa da cu je opet vidjeti..lijepo.

Svasta opet ovo jutro, osim sto imam krdo posla javila se i essential kao da me zeli jos dodatno opteretiti. Ti njeni majlovi tipa " Kako si?" i nish drugo mi nikako ne ulaze u glavu. Kog vraga hoce?

I na kraju kao slag jos se i draga javi SMS-om sa optuzbama da sam je zaboravio. Nisam naravno i naljuti me takva insinuacija i onda se ja zalaufam da se objasnim, a ona ne kuzi da sam na rubu i tu sve ode nizbrdo i stvara se nepotrebna napetost s kojom ce nam biti ispunjen dan od cetiri nadalje kad zavrsimo raditi i ja odem po nju..strasno.

Cemu sluze te optuzbe tipa "ti ne mislis na mene"? Je li ona nesigurna u mene ili u sebe???

- 14:02 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

srijeda, 22.03.2006.

za essential


S tobom samo se smijem, s tobom sam ono što jesam
Ti mene trebaš, ja tvoj sam mir
Bježali mi smo, od tog da ćemo jedno drugog trebat
Za preživjeti

S tobom živim u svijetu, daleko od sviju
Gdje ljubav vodi glavnu riječ
Meni je sunce kad vani je kiša, meni si blizu i kad te nema
Od tebe postojim

Kad svaki bi čovjek imao nekog
Da pruži mu pola što pružaš mi ti

Gdje bi doveli taj svijet

Samo zamisli...

Lea Dekleva

- 09:31 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

utorak, 21.03.2006.

5 Golden Rules For Success With Women (The Alternative Guide) ...nepoznat autor

1. Ask for it and you won't get it.
Sex is a physical need for men and an emotional need for women. If a woman knows that you find her desirable and want to have sex with her, that in itself fulfils her emotional need. Therefore, if you want to have a chance of actually having sex with her, you need to make her think that you don't find her sexually attractive. The less sexually interested in her that you appear to be, the more sexually interested in you she becomes. Incidentally, this is why men can never get rid of women that they actually don't want to have sex with: ignore them totally and they become obsessed stalkers.

2. Never give an honest answer.
This one sounds obvious but it amazes me how many men actually think they can impress women by being honest…wrong! You impress women by telling outrageous lies. Women only value honesty when it's ruthlessly applied to dissecting the faults of people that they don't like, such as their ex-partners or prettier women. A man who is honest will not lie to her about her own imperfections. No sane woman would risk having a relationship with such a man. Honest men make good friends, but bad relationships. Therefore, always lie. It's the quality that women most admire in men.

3. Don't look for a reason.
This is the most important Golden Rule, NEVER attribute logical thought processes to women. Men think, women feel - it's really that simple! Trying to find a reason why a woman says or does something is as pointless as trying to find a straight line in a circle. Evolution is an economical process, and had no need to install the capacity for rational thought in women. Any action which required problem solving was the role of the man in Mother Nature's plan. Tragically, the logical mind cannot accept a contradiction, and women are full of contradictions. Therefore, any concerted attempt by a man to understand a woman is bound to end in one (or all) of the following;

A. Serious mental illness
B. Divorce
C. Celibacy
D. Suicide

Sadly, women spend their entire lives looking for reasons, this is as pitiable as a blind man seeking to understand the concept of color, and as pitiable as a man trying to understand a woman. Nature's cruel joke!

4. Let her talk.
Women love to talk. Your role is simply to introduce subjects for her to talk about. A master of this will introduce subjects according to her mood, thereby allowing her to express her current feelings. Never introduce any subject that requires thinking. This will simply confuse the woman and lead to silence and sulking after a brief and ill-fated attempt by her to add some coherent input on the tedious subject. A women who can talk to a man for hours will consider him a great conversationalist despite the fact that she has done 99% of the talking. Women talk about their problems because they are unable to solve them, this is Nature's way of accidentally finding solutions. Men identify a problem and then seek a solution. Women identify a problem and then seek someone to talk to about it. Normally, women talk to other women about their problems, and reserve the 'positive' feelings for men. It is important to understand however, that the woman is not seeking solutions from talking to a man about her problems. She is seeking reassurance that she is still sexy despite being a complete basket case mentally. Therefore, a man should only say things like "I agree" when she offers an opinion, "What do you think?" when she asks a question, and "I disagree" if she makes any self-derogatory statement. Women never accept any criticism of themselves as valid, and any introduction of a self-criticism is designed merely to test your reply. Should you foolishly agree and outrageously offer any hint of self-improvement on her part, you will be instantly dismissed in her mind as "argumentative, rude, arrogant, and a complete control freak".

5. Be a man.
Back to basics here: it's all in the genes. Men look silly in dresses, women don't. What women find attractive in men is imprinted by evolution and the traditional role of the man as hunter/gatherer/protector, woman as nurturer/off-spring raiser. Like everywhere else in the animal kingdom, the dominant male has his pick of the females. A man must be dynamic and in control at all times, any sign of weakness and the woman's instinct is to ditch the man and find a more suitable mate. What women want is a bad boy who will treat them well, but not so well that they don't have anything to bitch about to their female friends. Bitching about the male of the species is how females bond with each other - another one of evolution's little jokes!

- 10:49 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

ponedjeljak, 20.03.2006.

i toga je bilo

Ne sjecam se trenutka kada sam ocima listala stranice neprospavanih noci

trazeci nadahnuce u tihom plesu tvojih koraka

Jutros sam orosena kapima srece i ...

drugacijim ocima predajem se misaonim dodirima tvoje prisutnosti

Jutros me zapljuskuju slapovi zanosa iz dubina tvojih razigranih pogleda

Usidrena na zatvorenim proplancima tvoga srca ne zelim koraknuti izvan trenutka sadasnjosti

Kada uz tebe sanjarim ne otvaraj vrata nekim zalutalim ceznjama

Ostavi me skrivenu od znatizeljnih vjetrova

neka se utapam u otkucajima tvoje ljubavi...........

- 14:08 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

petak, 17.03.2006.

...bilo nekada

Izmedju mene i tebe tako je malo prostora.
U taj procjep stao bi tek treptaj svjetlosti.
U njeg se smjestila nasa ceznja, u njeg se smjestila nasa ljubav.
Tako smo blizu ti i ja, a opet tako beskrajno daleko.
Dijeli nas tek djelic najmanjeg dijela.
A ipak, koliko god se trudio, koliko god tezio i htio, nikada me neces dosegnuti.
Izmedju mene i tebe tako je malo vremena.
U taj procjep stao bi tek treptaj oka.
U njeg se smjestio nas zivot, u njeg se smjestila nasa sudbina.
Tako smo slicni ti i ja, a opet tako beskrajno drukciji.
Usprotivilo nam se cudnovato prostranstvo neodredjenih razdaljina, prostranstvo kojeg nije potrebno prijeci.
Ne naprezi se uzalud, jedini moj, ne siri svoje ruke ne bi li me zagrlio.
Izmedju nas je more beskraja - ne vece, ne dublje od njeznog dodira.
Ali zar ne znas? To je more ljubavi i ono ce nas zauvijek spajati.

- 17:34 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 16.03.2006.

osho ja da se lechim :)

Danas na lagani nagovor cure, zapravo onako morao sam :) otisao ja na tretman čiščenja u neki prana healing centar. I tako sjela mene ta zena na neku stolicu i nakon kračeg razgovora pocela mahati rukama ispred mene držeći neki čarobni štapić. Nisam se ni malo iznenadio kad mi je rekla da imam vrlo jako energetsko tijelo :))
Jedino je rekla da sam imao nekih emotivnih problema, priznajem bilo je i toga. A ko je ostao uskracen za to u životu nek se javi netju mu ništa.
Uglavnom prodje i to i ja nazad u auto osječajući se jednako odlično kao i prije tretmana.
Pali auto, insert CiDi, & play Sonic Youth - Daydream Nation jeeaaaaah

Hey Joni put it all behind you
Hey Joni now I've put it all behind me too
These times can't add up
Yr life is such a mess
Forget the past, and just say yes

Tell me Joni, am I the one
To see you through?
In this broken town can you still jack in
And know what to do?
I remember our youth, our high ideals
I remember you were so uptight
That time in the trees, we broke that vice
We took some steps and now
We can't think twice

Tell me Joni, am I right by you?
Tell me how yr gonna lose this hard luck?
Hey Joni, when will all these dreams come true?
You'd better find a way
To climb down off that truck

Shots ring out from the center of an empty field
Joni's in the tall grass
She's a beautiful mental jukebox
A sailboat explosion
A snap of electric whipcrack

She's not thinking about the future
She's not spinning her wheels
She doesn't think at all about the past
She thinking long and hard
About that high wild sound
And wondering will it last?

Kick it

Hey Joni, put it all behind you
There's something turning, Joni, turning right to you
My head burns, but I know you'll speak the truth, hey!
Hey Joni, put it all behind you
Hey Joni, now I've put it all behind me too
Forget the future
These times are such a mess
Tune out the past, and just say yes

It's 1963
It's 1964
It's 1957
It's 1962

Put it all behind you
Now it's all behind you

- 17:48 - Komentari (35) - Isprintaj - #

utorak, 14.03.2006.

pomaknuto napokon

subota. uzeo slobodan dan i krenuo poluposlovno u R. tako je ispalo da sam imao 3 sata slobodno da secem okolo i glumim turista. setnja, bankomat, kiosk pa kafica. kad u kafani pupsy iz BB. simpaticnija je uzivo nego na teve, to cu vam odmah reci. nisam imao mogucnosti pricati sa njom, niti cuti razgovore koje je vodila ali to bi ionako bilo nepristojno :).

uglavnom, ono sto sam htio reci je da ta tri sata koja sam proveo sam u setnji i razmisljanju su nesto sto cu svakako probati ponavljati u nekakvim odredjenim razmacima. bilo je savrseno.

dva dana kasnije, drugi grad, druga neka kafica i opet pupsy. jos cu pomisliti da me prati. kako god, puno interesantniji taj dan bio je drugi gost kafica. nase lice sa ekrana Dino. njegov nadimak omamljeni svakako mu pristaje :)
ponedjeljak u podne, svi piju kafice, a on i njegova ekipa piju bloddy marry i ne skidaju tamne naocale.

i ja bi volio biti tako razbijen u ponedjeljak u podne ;)

- 10:34 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 09.03.2006.

mući me

hunjavica, prehlada a radit se mora :)
a sta se mora tesko je ali j..... mora se.
ima netko dobar savjet kako ublaziti simptome makar toliko da bude podnosljivo?

kupio si aspirin-C, vitamin C ( i to PEZ) i malamice
me happy :)

- 09:21 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

srijeda, 08.03.2006.

8. mart

Hey little apple blossom,
What seems to be the problem?
All the ones you tell your troubles to,
They don't really care for you.
Come and tell me what you're thinking,
Cuz just when the boat is sinking,
A little light is blinking,
And I will come and rescue you.

Lots of girls walk around in tears,
But thats not for you.
You've been looking all around for years
For someone to tell your troubles to.

Come and sit with me and talk awhile;
Let me see your pretty little smile.
Put your troubles in a little pile,
And I will sort 'em out for you.

Lots of girls walk around in tears,
But thats not for you.
You've been looking all around for years
For someone to tell your troubles to.

Come and sit with me and talk awhile;
Let me see your pretty little smile.
Put your troubles in a little pile,
And I will sort 'em out for you.
I'll fall in love with you;
I think I'll marry you.

- 12:32 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

utorak, 07.03.2006.


tek si otisla, a meni vec falis. srce mi govori da je nemoguce da si ti mene zaboravila tako lako. ali bojim se da je tako. ocigledno je moja nagla narav krivo protumacena. ja samo tezim nekoj ravnotezi. glupo je, ali nikada mi namjera nije bila tebi nauditi a izgleda da sam uspio.povrijedio sam te, i sve sto sam lijepo napravio za tebe i sto smo zajedno proveli ode i nema vise.
zato sam ja napisao da sam tuzan i zato mi nije jasno zasto si ti napisala "ja sretna, napokon :)"

to me rastuzuje najvise od svega. ja znam da ja nisam losa osoba, nema nikoga ko bi to rekao za mene. ti si prva. ali za sve postoji prvi put i ja cu to zapamtiti i probati biti jos bolji.

poslusat cu jos jedan savjet koji si mi ti jednom dala necu vise uletati u neku vezu dok se ne sredim do kraja. mozda tako budem bio spreman prihvatiti da se ljudi daju manje u vezu nego ja. i tako izbjegnem jos koje razocaranje.

jos mora proci dosta dana, vremena provedenog u samoci da skuzim da te vise necu moci zagrliti. ne znam kako ti zamisljas nas odnos od danas na dalje. vjerojatno ne razmisljas o tome. niti o meni. niti da li sam ti trenutno odvratan ili slabic.

cijeli dan si premotavam ovaj dan u glavi, poceo je sa zajebancijom i smijehom. ja sam te grlio i ljubio u prolazu. cekao da se spremis sa osmjehom na licu. bio sam sretan. 15 min. kasnije sve je otislo u neku drugu dimenziju. glupa nezgoda sa vrcem za sok, jedna tvoja primjedba i jedan moj grubi odgovor na to. samo toliko je trebalo da se ova nasa veza srusi kao kula od karata.

stalno mislim da sam ja mozda pretjerao kad sam ti rekao nedavno da sam ja odlucio biti sa tobom zauvijek. nisam tada mislio da nas ovako nesto moze rastaviti.
naravno, krivo gledam na to. krivi smo oboje. nismo se snasli. puno smo htjeli i jednostavno smo izgorili.

jednu stvar ti moram samo reci o ovom danas. ja sam prvi tebe kontaktirao i pozvao te na lignjice. mislim da je jasno da sam htio da se vidimo i pomirimo.

kako god, ja te jos volim i to nije upitno. vjerojatno i ti mene jos volis jer ne vjerujem da imas neko dugme di to mozes iskljuciti samo tako. sigurno imas dugme mute i stisnes ga i onda nastane tisina.

falis mi, skoro ce 7, volio bi te vidjeti. VOLIM TE

- 10:23 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

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